July 20, 2011

Community in Action Students,
Major societal changes are taking place in the Complexo do Alemão, in the north of Rio, where Community in Action is located. The federal government has already invested hundreds of millions of reales during the first phase of PAC (Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento – Program to Accelerate Growth), and plans to invest more than one billion reales in the coming years. New clinics, schools, housing, and cultural centers have been built in the past 18 months. This region is by far one of the most high profile shanty towns in Brazil, receiving major attention from politicians country-wide. The state police recently obtained control from drug trafficker domination, instilling a sense of peace for the first time since the mid-1980s. Over the next few years, leading to the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, the Complexo do Alemão will receive enormous attention from leaders throughout Brazil and beyond. Change will not come immediately and the falveas will not disappear from Rio’s landscape. As public services expand, however, hundreds of thousands of residents in this region will acquire new opportunities to escape the cycle of poverty. Measuring this societal change must begin in the present – now is the time to act. With the necessary resources, Community in Action is in a prime location to make a major impact.

Public Gathering near CiA after War Between Police and Drug Traffickers – Sign Translation: We want peace and respect with the residents
On November 25th, 2010, the state of Rio entered the Complexo do Alemão to fight drug traffickers who have had control for the past 25 years. Approximately 3,000 troops united: the municipal, state, and federal police, as well as special combat forces and the Army (approximately 20K troops were spread throughout the city). After three days of fighting, Rio’s state police arrived at the top of the Complexo do Alemão and raised the Brazilian flag as a symbol of control. Favela residents have never seen this type of support from the state and federal government. The drug traffickers have always had power, but this time they were unable to hold their ground. Today, there are no more gangs in the community and there is a sense of tranquility for the first time since Brazil’s Military rule (1964 – 1985).

Community in Action Location,
Major macro-economic and social changes are going to occur in the Complexo do Alemão over the next few years. From our perspective, this is a historical moment for Rio de Janeiro. CiA is in a prime location to do a lot more. There are numerous NGOs and public organizations in the region that are already doing great work. There is a strong desire to create new coalitions, with new projects, supported by additional resources. Some say that an “invasion of public services” is going to take place in the near future. More NGOs, public institutions, and investments will emerge. The new gondola service (expected to open soon) is a prime example of an infrastructure change that will generate revenues, attracting new commerce and tourism to the community.

New Gondola Service in the Favela,
Since launching Community in Action, we have never seen this level of infrastructure transformation in the Complexo do Alemão. The recent police invasion has made the Complexo one of the most visible underserved areas in the country – a new sense of peace in the community cannot be overstated. Measuring social change will take time because there are diverse avenues to target: NGOs, schools, child day-cares, churches, and more. The CiA NGO Alliance Program is still in an infant phase, but it is apparent that organizations are willing to collaborate to deliver new outreach programs to this target market. With a new business model in 2012 and on-the-ground partnerships